Credit: flickeringmyth.com |
Thor: Ragnorak is completely different than all other Marvel films in the Avenger-related franchise. It's funny all the time, even when something terrible is happening. It's got crude humor for kids and adults, but mostly adults. It's very vibrant and colorful and it feels like its own separate Thor film. I liked the first Thor film, but not the second as much. This film is so fun, I like it better than the other Thor films. It's goofy and it works. I won't say it's better than Captain America: Civil War because it feels like it's in its own lane. The film starts off with Thor in a cage chained up and he's not worried. He just knows he has another quick battle to fight. When he returns home, he realizes Odin is really Loki, which I'm surprised it took that long and no one noticed.
Credit: Inverse |
If you've seen Lord of the Rings, you might remember that Gandalf just showed up, said everyone was in danger and sent the hobbits on a mission. The real Odin kind of does the same thing with Thor and Loki. He reveals things that sets them on a path and disappears like it's not my problem, so..... You also get to see Thor go through his biggest transformation. It's not just the hair that changes, it's also how he will have to choose what kind of leader he needs to be. Other major changes will occur as well and this will be a pretty cool thing to see.
Credit: Dark Horizons |
Thor: Ragnorak has a couple of Earth scenes, but most things take place on other, very colorful planets. You'll get to see Thor and Loki act exactly like how brothers really act. You'll see Thor and Hulk fight and you'll even get to see Hulk show more emotion. Valkyrie has a quickly shown, sad background, but she eventually redeems herself. Hela is like an angrier Loki. She wants the throne and people to worship her but if they don't, she's okay with ending them. You'll see one long Dr. Strange scene and it's good. You'll also see the Collector's brother, who's behind Hulk and Thor fighting with his Contest of Champions.
Credit: comingsoon.net |
It has some cool fight scenes with great music and they hint at what you may possibly see in Avengers. There are two end credit scenes. One is after the initial acting credits and one is at the very end of the credits. Heads up: the first credit tells you something, but it leaves you with so many questions and the credit at the very end is just something funny to see, but it won't tell you anything. I think you'll want to see this movie a few times because it's that good. I know I do. I definitely plan on buying this. See it as soon as possible!